OmniStudio Developer

Salesforce Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer OmniStudio Developer

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Exam Code:OmniStudio Developer

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer

Q&A:86 Q&As

Updated: 05-01-2024


Get ready to conquer the Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam with ExamGood's expert study materials. Unlock your potential and become a certified developer.

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ExamGood OmniStudio-Developer Exam Features
Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer
This document provides guidance and information for studying and preparing for the Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer credential exam.

About the Salesforce OmniStudio Developer Credential

The Salesforce OmniStudio Developer credential is for individuals with experience in developing cloud applications using OmniStudio declarative development tools. Certified developers can design and configure applications using various OmniStudio tools, such as FlexCards, OmniScripts, Integration Procedures, DataRaptors, Expression Sets, Decision Matrices, and Industry Consoles.

Audience Description: Salesforce OmniStudio Developer

The Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer candidate is interested in demonstrating their knowledge and skills in configuring applications using OmniStudio tools.
The Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer should have developer experience and familiarity with OmniStudio tools in various roles. They should be able to configure business processes using OmniStudio, read and write data to and from Salesforce and external sources, and have knowledge of web application concepts.
The OmniStudio Developer candidate should have familiarity with Salesforce development lifecycle, migration using IDX tool, building business processes with out-of-the-box configuration, using pre-configured script elements from Industry Process Library, creating test data, understanding declarative vs. programmatic methods, customizing business processes with OmniStudio tools, expanding Industry Process Library based on business requirements, troubleshooting with debugging tools, and knowledge of interactive web application concepts. They are not expected to perform certain tasks such as browser-based console log debugging, LWC, APEX, or Angular development, performance tuning, integration with other industry products, installation or post-installation configuration, or building industry-specific entities.

Purpose of this Exam Guide

This exam guide provides information on the Salesforce OmniStudio Developer exam, including the target audience, recommended training and documentation, and exam objectives. It emphasizes the importance of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study for success in the exam.

About the Exam

The Salesforce OmniStudio Developer exam consists of 60 multiple-choice/multiple-select questions and up to 5 unscored questions. The exam must be completed within 105 minutes, with a passing score of 67%. The registration fee is USD 200, with a retake fee of USD 100. The exam can be taken onsite at a testing center or online. No reference materials are allowed during the exam, and there are no prerequisites. Some exams may include additional unscored questions for data gathering purposes, but these questions do not affect the final score.

Recommended Training and References

Salesforce recommends a combination of experience, training courses, Trailhead trails, and self-study materials for preparation for the Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer exam. Self-study materials include a preparation trailmix, OmniStudio documentation, and OmniStudio for Vlocity documentation. To continue developing Salesforce skills, Trailhead Academy offers expert-led courses. Additional resources such as online documentation, tip sheets, and user guides can be accessed through Salesforce Help.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce OmniStudio Developer exam assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in developing with OmniStudio tools. Candidates should have hands-on experience and demonstrate proficiency in each of the features and functions outlined in the objectives.
FlexCards: 15%
OmniScripts: 20%
Integration Procedures: 17%
Data Raptors: 20%
Expression Sets & Decision Matrices: 8%
Integrated Troubleshooting and Deployment: 20%

Exam Candidate Code of Conduct

Participants in the Salesforce Credentialing Program are required to use approved study materials, collaborate with others in the Trailblazer Community, follow exam guidelines, and report any security concerns. Sharing exam content or violating the program agreement can result in consequences such as exam cancelation, suspension, or revocation of certifications.

Maintaining Your Salesforce Certification

ExamGood Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam Questions
The Power of ExamGood
ExamGood is a leading provider of exam preparation materials, and they specialize in helping candidates pass their certification exams with ease. Their Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam Questions are meticulously crafted by industry experts, ensuring that you receive the most relevant and up-to-date content.
Comprehensive Study Materials
With ExamGood, you can access a wide range of study materials for the Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam. Their exam questions are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you the flexibility to study anytime and anywhere. Additionally, ExamGood provides one year of free updates, ensuring that you have the latest information to prepare for your exam.
Guaranteed Success or Your Money Back
ExamGood is confident in the quality of their Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Developer Exam Questions. In the rare event that you do not pass your exam after using their materials, ExamGood offers an immediate refund. This guarantee demonstrates their commitment to your success and gives you peace of mind while preparing for your certification.

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