
Microsoft Microsoft Power Platform PL-900

Product Description

Exam Code:PL-900

Exam Name:Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals

Q&A:330 Q&As

Updated: 12-03-2024


Choose ExamGood for reliable and comprehensive exam questions for the PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Exam.

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ExamGood PL-900 Exam Features
The PL-900 exam focuses on understanding how Microsoft Power Platform technologies can enhance processes and drive business outcomes. While it is not a prerequisite for other certifications, passing this exam may make you eligible for ACE college credit.
The English language version of the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals exam (PL-900) was updated on June 22, 2023. Check the study guide for the latest changes. The passing score for this exam is 700.

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Languages: English, Spanish, German, Chinese (Simplified), French, Korean, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Chinese (Traditional), Italian
This document is about the Exam PL-900 for Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals. It focuses on measuring the ability to describe the business value of Microsoft Power Platform, identify its foundational components, and demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, and complementary solutions within the platform.

Skills measured

The English language version of the Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals exam (PL-900) was updated on June 22, 2023. Refer to the study guide for information about the skills measured and the latest changes.
Describe the business value of Microsoft Power Platform (20–25%)
Identify foundational components of Microsoft Power Platform (10–15%)
Demonstrate the capabilities of Power BI (10–15%)
Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Apps (20–25%)
Demonstrate the capabilities of Power Automate (15–20%)
Demonstrate complementary Microsoft Power Platform solutions (15–20%)

Exam Content:

The PL-900 exam covers various aspects of the Microsoft Power Platform, which includes the following key domains:
Understand the Business Value of Power Platform:
Identifying the components of Power Platform. Describing the value of Power Platform for businesses. Understanding use cases and benefits.
Understand Common Data Service:
Describing the common data model and entities. Creating solutions and tables. Understanding data security and privacy. 
Understand Connectors:
Exploring the variety of connectors available. Configuring and managing connectors. Understanding custom connectors.
Understand AI Builder:
Describing AI Builder and its capabilities. Building and using AI models. Exploring AI scenarios in Power Platform.
Understand Power Apps:
Exploring Power Apps capabilities and use cases. Creating and managing apps. Understanding model-driven apps and canvas apps. 
Understand Power Automate:
Describing Power Automate and its benefits. Creating flows and business process flows. Managing and automating workflows.
Understand Power BI:
Exploring Power BI and its capabilities. Creating and managing reports and dashboards. Understanding data visualization.

Recommended Training and References

ExamGood offers Exam PL-900: Microsoft Power Platform Fundamentals Exam Questions. Here are some key features of our service:
Instant download: Once you successfully make a purchase, you can immediately download the exam questions.
PDF and software versions: Our exam questions are available in both PDF and software formats, giving you flexibility in how you access and study the material.
Free updates for one year: We provide free updates to our exam questions for a period of one year. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date and relevant material to study.
Immediate refund: In the unfortunate event that you fail the exam, we offer an immediate refund. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we want to ensure that you feel confident and supported throughout your exam preparation journey.
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