ITIL ITIL Foundation Certification ITILFND_V4

Product Description

Exam Code:ITILFND_V4

Exam Name:ITIL 4 Foundation

Q&A:71 Q&As

Updated: 02-11-2025


ITIL 4 Foundation Certification introduces an end-to-end operating model for technology-enabled products and services. It is for anyone interested in understanding IT and digital service delivery, and is suitable for professionals at the start of their ITIL 4 journey or those looking to update their existing ITIL knowledge. The course covers modern IT and digital service organization operations, value streams, cultural and behavioral principles, and commonly-used service management terms and concepts.

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ExamGood ITILFND_V4 Exam Features
ITIL 4 Foundation is a course that teaches how to create, deliver, and improve technology-based products and services. It's for anyone who wants to learn about IT and digital service delivery and help their organization adopt new service management principles. The course covers modern IT and digital service organizations, efficiency-increasing value streams, culture or behavior-guided work, and commonly-used service management terms and concepts. To enroll, find an accredited training organization through our training search. The course requires passing a 40-question multiple-choice exam with a score of 65% or higher within 60 minutes.

The ITIL 4 Foundation exam typically topics

1. Service Management Concepts:
Key concepts, definitions, and principles of service management.
The four dimensions of service management: organizations and people, information and technology, partners and suppliers, and value streams and processes.
The ITIL service value system (SVS) and its components.
2. The ITIL Service Value System (SVS):
The components and activities of the ITIL SVS, including guiding principles, governance, service value chain, practices, and continual improvement.
3. The Four Dimensions of Service Management:
The importance and interrelationships of the four dimensions (organizations and people, information and technology, partners and suppliers, and value streams and processes) within the SVS.
4. ITIL Service Value Chain (SVC):
The six activities of the service value chain (plan, improve, engage, design and transition, obtain/build, and deliver and support).
The purpose and objectives of each activity and their interconnectedness.
5. ITIL Practices:
Overview of the 15 ITIL practices, including service management practices, general management practices, and technical management practices.
Key concepts, objectives, and activities of each practice, such as incident management, change control, service level management, and service desk.
6. Key ITIL Concepts and Definitions:
Understanding of key ITIL terminology, concepts, and definitions, such as services, service relationships, service offerings, service providers, customers, users, stakeholders, processes, functions, and roles.
7. ITIL Guiding Principles:
Understanding and application of the seven ITIL guiding principles, including focus on value, start where you are, progress iteratively with feedback, collaborate and promote visibility, think and work holistically, keep it simple and practical, and optimize and automate.
8. Continual Improvement:
The importance of continual improvement in service management.
The purpose and main activities of the continual improvement practice, including the use of the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model.

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