
Microsoft Microsoft Azure certification DP-300

Product Description

Exam Code:DP-300

Exam Name:Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions

Q&A:311 Q&As

Updated: 04-30-2024


Elevate your skills in administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions with ExamGood's DP-300 Exam resources. Access a wealth of study materials to ensure your success in this crucial certification.

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ExamGood DP-300 Exam Features
Exam DP-300: Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions
Candidates for this exam should have expertise in building database solutions for SQL Server on-premises and Azure SQL services, capable of supporting multiple workloads.
You're a database administrator who manages on-premises and cloud databases built with SQL Server and Azure SQL services.
As an Azure database administrator, your responsibilities include managing and implementing operational aspects of cloud-native and hybrid data platform solutions, utilizing Transact-SQL (T-SQL) and other tools for administrative management. You are accountable for database solution management, availability, security, and performance monitoring and optimization.
This document highlights the role of evaluating and implementing migration strategies for database migration between Azure and on-premises. It emphasizes the need to collaborate with various professionals to manage operational aspects of data platform solutions. The required knowledge and experience include Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, and SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines (Windows and Linux).
The English version of the exam was updated on August 23, 2023. Check the study guide for the latest changes. The passing score is 700. Localized versions may be updated approximately eight weeks after the English version, but there may be exceptions.

Schedule exam

The DP-300 exam focuses on administering Microsoft Azure SQL solutions and evaluates your skills in planning and implementing data platform resources, implementing a secure environment, monitoring and optimizing database resources, automating tasks, and configuring a high availability and disaster recovery environment. The exam fee is $165 USD and may vary based on the proctoring country or region.

Skills measured

The English language version of the exam was updated on August 23, 2023. Refer to the study guide for information on the skills measured and the latest changes.
Plan and implement data platform resources (20–25%)
Implement a secure environment (15–20%)
Monitor, configure, and optimize database resources (20–25%)
Configure and manage automation of tasks (15–20%)
Plan and configure a high availability and disaster recovery (HA/DR) environment (20–25%)


Introduction to Azure database administration
Plan and implement data platform resources
Implement a secure environment for a database service
Monitor and optimize operational resources in Azure SQL
Optimize query performance in Azure SQL
Automate database tasks for Azure SQL
Plan and implement a high availability and disaster recovery environment

Exam resources

DP-300: Administering Microsoft Azure SQL Solutions Exam Questions provided by ExamGood:
Immediate Download: Upon successful purchase, you'll have immediate access to the exam questions. This ensures that you can start your preparation without delay.
PDF and Software Versions: ExamGood offers both PDF and software versions of the exam questions. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that best suits your study preferences.
One-Year Free Updates: To help you stay current with the latest information, ExamGood provides one year of free updates for the exam questions. This means that you'll have access to any new or revised questions that may be introduced during the year.
Money-Back Guarantee: In the event that you do not pass the exam, ExamGood offers a money-back guarantee. This guarantee provides you with a safety net, ensuring that you can request a refund if you don't achieve a passing score.

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