
IBM IBM Certified Administrator - Netezza Performance Server V11.x C1000-085

Product Description

Exam Code:C1000-085

Exam Name:IBM Netezza Performance Server V11.x Administrator

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 02-11-2025


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IBM Certified Administrator - Netezza Performance Server V11.x C1000-085 Exam

Certification Overview

An IBM Certified Administrator for Netezza Performance Server V11.x is a highly experienced administrator with extensive knowledge of the Netezza Performance Server. They are skilled in tasks such as administration, monitoring, security, implementation, and configuration.

Recommended Skills

The following qualifications are requirements for success:
Experienced database administrator in analytics / data warehousing
Working knowledge of Linux, shell scripting
Working knowledge of ANSI SQL.
Working knowledge of database security 
Working knowledge of performance in massively parallel environments
Working knowledge of the IBM Netezza Performance Server architecture


Exam Objectives

The IBM Certified Administrator - Netezza Performance Server V11.x exam consists of 60 questions, with a passing requirement of 41 questions. The allotted time for the exam is 90 minutes.
Section 1: Architecture18%
Section 2: Best Practices for Database Design22%
Section 3: Monitoring and Tuning for Performance20%
Section 4: Administration20%
Section 5: Support and Maintenance8%
Section 6: Netezza Clients and Tools12%

Exam Resources

Courses and publications are available to help prepare for the IBM Certified Administrator - Netezza Performance Server V11.x certification test. While the courses are recommended, real-world experience is necessary for a reasonable chance of passing the test. Courseware does not replace the need for experience, and new course offerings are regularly updated.

Recommended Training and References

ExamGood is a trusted provider of IBM Certified Administrator - Netezza Performance Server V11.x C1000-085 Exam Questions. With a successful purchase, you will have immediate access to the study materials, allowing you to start your exam preparation right away. The materials are available in both PDF and software versions, giving you the flexibility to choose the format that suits your learning style.
What sets ExamGood apart is their commitment to keeping the study materials up to date. You will receive free updates for one year, ensuring that you have access to the latest content and Netezza Performance Server V11.x C1000-085 exam questions. This is especially important as technology and industry standards evolve.
In the unfortunate event that you do not pass the exam, ExamGood has you covered. They provide a prompt refund, so you can feel confident in your investment. This demonstrates their dedication to customer satisfaction and their belief in the quality of their exam materials.
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