
Adobe Adobe Commerce AD0-E716

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E716

Exam Name:Adobe Commerce Developer Expert

Q&A:69 Q&As

Updated: 05-05-2024


Prepare for the Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 exam with ExamGood's comprehensive study materials. Ace the Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner certification and become an Adobe Certified Expert. Access AD0-E716 practice tests, exam resources, and expert guidance to succeed in your certification journey.

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ExamGood AD0-E716 Exam Features

Certification journey for Adobe Commerce Developer Expert

Minimum experience

You should have at least 1-3 years of experience with Adobe Commerce development and you’re familiar with the following technologies and environments:
To obtain the Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud, proficiency in Adobe Commerce 2.4, PHP, debugging tools, linting tools, Composer, SSH, basic Linux, Redis, Elasticsearch, SQL, Varnish, RabbitMQ, API validation and client tools, Git, and Cloud Architecture is required.
The Adobe Experience Cloud Developer Expert certification is valid for two years and it is recommended to take the newer version when possible to cover the latest product capabilities.
Intended audience:
Adobe Experience Cloud's Developer Expert certification is available for Developers, Lead Developers, Backend Developers, Solution Architects, and Technical Leaders.
Exam details:
The Adobe Experience Cloud Developer Expert certification requires 1-3 years of experience, has a passing score of 41/69, takes 138 minutes, is delivered online with camera access, is available only in English, and costs $225 globally or $150 in India. The exam ID is AD0-E716.
Exam objectives and scope
Section 1: Adobe Commerce Architecture and Customization Techniques (36%)
The Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers a range of topics including cache usage, custom extension attributes, theme custom updates, observers, preferences, plugins, configuration layer, routes, pagebuilder customization, multiple site configuration, dependency injection, store settings, Git patches, CLI commands, integration testing, security features, CRON scheduling, data loading and manipulation, and App emulation.
Section 2: Working with Databases and EAV (10%)
To obtain the Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud, one must demonstrate the ability to manipulate EAV attributes and attribute sets programmatically, extend the database schema, import/export data from Adobe Commerce, and use patches and recurring set ups to modify the database.
Section 3: Developing with Admin (6%)
The Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud requires the ability to update and create grids and forms, extend Grid actions, create modifier classes, and restrict access to ACL.
Section 4: Customizing the Catalog (6%)
The Adobe Experience Cloud Developer Expert certification requires the ability to apply changes to product types, modify and extend Catalog entities, manage Indexes, customize price output, and understand the impact of multi-source inventory on stock at the program level.
Section 5: Customizing Sales Operations (6%)
To earn the Developer Expert certification in Adobe Experience Cloud, one must demonstrate the ability to develop and customize payment and shipping methods, customize sales operations, and explain how to customize totals.
Section 6: APIs and Services (4%)
To earn the Developer Expert certification in Adobe Experience Cloud, one must be able to create or extend APIs and use queuing systems effectively.
Section 7: Adobe Commerce Cloud architecture (16%)
The Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud requires knowledge of Adobe Commerce architecture, cloud project files, multi-domain stores, application services, deployment, ECE tools, patches, maintenance, and FASTLY features configuration.
Section 8: Setup/configuring Adobe Commerce Cloud (10%)
This document outlines the requirements for obtaining the Developer Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud. Topics covered include setting up/configuring Adobe Commerce Cloud, basic cloud troubleshooting, cloud user management, updating cloud variables, environment management, branching, and identifying Adobe Commerce Cloud Plan capabilities.
Section 9: Commerce Cloud CLI tool (managing part) (6%)
This document outlines the requirements for the Developer Expert certification in Adobe Experience Cloud, including demonstrating understanding of updating cloud variables, environment management, branching, and troubleshooting cloud services such as MySQL, Redis, and tunnel:info using CLI.

Benefits of Examgood Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam

If you're considering taking the Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam, there are many benefits to doing so. Here are just a few:
Immediate download
When you purchase the Examgood Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam, you'll be able to download it immediately. This means you can start studying right away, without having to wait for shipping or delivery.
PDF and ICE software versions
The Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam is available in both PDF and ICE software versions. This gives you the flexibility to study in the way that's most comfortable for you, whether that's on your computer or with a physical copy of the exam.
One year of free updates
When you purchase the Examgood Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam, you'll receive one year of free updates. This means that if the exam changes or updates within a year of your purchase, you'll receive the new version for free.
Pass or refund guarantee
Examgood stands behind their products and offers a pass or refund guarantee. If you don't pass the Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam after using their study materials, they'll refund your money.
Overall, the Examgood Adobe Commerce AD0-E716 Exam is a great choice for anyone looking to take this certification exam. With immediate download, multiple formats, free updates, and a pass or refund guarantee, it's a great investment in your career.
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