Sitecore 10 NET Developer

Sitecore Sitecore Engagement Cloud Sitecore 10 NET Developer

Product Description

Exam Code:Sitecore 10 NET Developer

Exam Name:Sitecore 10 .NET Developer Exam

Q&A:50 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


Prepare for success in the Sitecore 10 .NET Developer Exam with ExamGood's expert resources. Unlock your potential and become a certified Sitecore developer.

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ExamGood Sitecore-10-NET-Developer Exam Features
Sitecore 10 NET Developer

About Sitecore 10 Net Developer certification

The Sitecore 10 .NET Developer Certification Exam is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates candidates on their knowledge and proficiency in the essential competencies needed for the development and administration of Sitecore 10. This exam covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to website development, content management, personalization, analytics, and integration with third-party systems. By successfully passing this exam, candidates demonstrate their expertise in leveraging the latest technologies and best practices to create and manage cutting-edge websites using Sitecore 10. This certification is highly regarded in the industry and serves as a validation of the candidate's skills and capabilities in the Sitecore ecosystem.


This exam is intended for the Sitecore developers. To take the Sitecore 10 .NET Developer certification exam, you should meet the following prerequisites:
Have at least one year of development experience with the Sitecore XP solution.
Completed the Developer's Fundamentals 9.3 Collection of Sitecore eLearning portal
Completed the Developer's Fundamentals 10 Collection from the Sitecore eLearning portal
To pass the Sitecore 10 .NET Developer Certification Exam, it is important to be proficient in the exam competencies. Partner companies can access study materials for free on the eLearning portal, including study guides for the Developer's Fundamentals 10 and 9.3 Collections.

Exam competencies

To be certified in Sitecore 10 .NET Developer you are expected to have fundamental knowledge, skills, and abilities in seven distinct areas, known as competencies:

Exam format

The Sitecore 10 .NET Developer Certification Exam is a multiple-choice exam proctored. To pass the exam and earn certification, you must answer at least 80% of the questions correctly. There will be a total of 50 Questions and you will get a total of 100 mins to answer all questions. No negative marking and you will be able to mark a question for review. 
Note: The exam and its contents are confidential and proprietary to Sitecore.

How to prepare for Sitecore 10 Net Developer exam? 

ExamGood Sitecore 10 Net Developer Exam Questions
After a successful purchase, you can download the exam questions immediately. We offer both PDF and software versions of the exam. You will receive free updates for one year. In the event that you fail the exam, you will be eligible for a refund. Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive and up-to-date materials to help you succeed in your Sitecore 10 Net Developer certification.
With our PDF version, you can easily access and study Sitecore 10 NET Developer exam questions on any device. The software version, on the other hand, provides a realistic exam simulation experience, allowing you to practice and familiarize yourself with the exam format.
We understand that the field of technology is constantly evolving, and that's why we offer free updates for one year. This ensures that you have the latest and most relevant questions to prepare for your exam. Our team of experts regularly reviews and updates the question bank to reflect the changes and advancements in the Sitecore 10 Net Developer certification.
In the unfortunate event that you fail the Sitecore 10 NET Developer exam, we offer a refund policy. Simply provide us with the necessary documentation and we will process your refund promptly. We believe in the quality of our exam questions and stand behind our product.
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