Salesforce Marketing Associate

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Associate Salesforce Marketing Associate

Product Description

Exam Code:Salesforce Marketing Associate

Exam Name:Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate

Q&A:44 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


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About the Salesforce Marketing Associate Credential

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate credential is for individuals who are interested in an entry-level marketing role within the Salesforce ecosystem. This certification highlights the knowledge, skills, and abilities of an individual new to Marketing Cloud Engagement and general marketing concepts.
The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate credential is an entry-level, multiple-choice exam intended for individuals with up to 6 months experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement. It’s designed to prepare Salesforce Trailblazers for a career in marketing by validating their foundational marketing knowledge, including what Marketing Cloud Engagement is and how it solves business needs based on Salesforce best practices.

Audience Description: Salesforce Marketing Associate

The typical Marketing Associate candidate is familiar with the Salesforce Platform and has experience with Salesforce Marketing Cloud Engagement. They are interested in exploring the marketer job role and tools. Candidates for this role are interested in learning about Marketing Cloud Engagement and common business use cases, and may be considering future marketer certifications. This role is a stepping stone to becoming a Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Email Specialist or a Salesforce Certified Marketing Cloud Administrator.
A Salesforce Marketing Associate Certification Exam candidate should understand general marketing concepts, have foundational knowledge of Marketing Cloud Engagement components, be able to navigate its features, use digital marketing tools, and understand journeys and Journey Builder. They should also be familiar with reporting and analytics capabilities. However, they are not expected to set up or administer email tools, use messaging channels outside of email, know Marketing Cloud Account Engagement, HTML, CSS, SQL, or use AMPscript.

Purpose of This Exam Guide

This exam guide is designed to help you evaluate if you are ready to successfully complete the Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam. This guide provides information about the target audience for the certification exam, recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectives—all with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score. Salesforce highly recommends a combination of on-the-job experience, course attendance, and self-study to maximize your chances of passing the exam.

About the Exam

Read on for details about the Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam.
Content: 40 multiple-choice questions and up to 5 non-scored questions
Time allotted to complete the exam: 70 minutes
Passing score: 65%
Registration fee: US $75 plus applicable taxes as required per local law
Retake fee: Free
Delivery options: Proctored exam delivered onsite at a testing center or in an online proctored environment; click here for information on scheduling an exam.
References: No hard-copy or online materials may be referenced during the exam.
Prerequisite: None
Note: Exam takers have the opportunity to provide comments and feedback for individual questions on this exam.

Recommended Training and References

To prepare for the Salesforce Marketing Associate exam, it's recommended to gain hands-on experience, complete training courses, follow Trailhead trails, and self-study. Useful resources include the Trailmix and Salesforce Certified Associate certification. Further development can be achieved through Trailhead Academy's expert-led courses and by reviewing online Documentation, Tip Sheets, and User Guides available on Salesforce Help.

Exam Outline

The Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam measures a candidate's knowledge and skills related to the following objectives.
Marketing Concepts: 28%
The Trailhead help document highlights key components of a marketing strategy, requirements for an effective email opt-in process, understanding of privacy laws in marketing, assessment of email goals and metrics, and summarizing content and messages for a target audience in a customer experience scenario.
Marketing Cloud Engagement Basics: 22%
The document outlines the need to identify solutions for account structures in Marketing Cloud Engagement, apply essential features for marketing activities, utilize Salesforce resources for assistance, distinguish between subscriber keys, contact keys, and contact IDs, and determine a proper Cloudpage form submission setup based on requirements.
Email Sending and Journeys: 22%
The document outlines the necessary configurations for activating a journey in Trailhead, identifying recommended settings for the email send wizard, distinguishing between template components and content blocks in Marketing Cloud Engagement, identifying journey functionality for business needs, and validating content rendering.
Data Management: 18%
The document covers the summarization of data import mechanisms and requirements, configuration settings for new data extensions, and the interpretation of data extensions to identify target data based on given scenarios.
Reporting and Analytics: 10%
The Trailhead help guide focuses on identifying specific data locations in Marketing Cloud Engagement and interpreting undesired send results along with possible deliverability consequences.

Maintaining Your Salesforce Certification

Instant Download Upon Purchase: Access your materials immediately after successful purchase, eliminating any waiting period. Begin your Salesforce Marketing Associate exam preparation without delay for optimal efficiency.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Choose your preferred study format. The PDF version allows for direct printing, enabling convenient access to tangible study material. The software version offers flexibility, allowing unrestricted usage across any device.
One-Year Free Updates: Stay current with the latest exam content. Enjoy one year of complimentary updates to ensure your Salesforce Marketing Associate exam preparation remains aligned with any changes. Extend update access to two years for an additional $10, ensuring continued relevance.
Refund Available After Exam Failure: Your satisfaction is our priority. In the event of exam failure, simply provide your scorecard for an immediate refund. We are committed to providing a risk-free experience for your Salesforce Marketing Associate certification. 

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