
Juniper JNCIA-Cloud JN0-214

Product Description

Exam Code:JN0-214

Exam Name:Cloud, Associate (JNCIA-Cloud)

Q&A:65 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


Discover the essentials of cloud computing with our comprehensive JN0-214 exam description. Dive into the world of Juniper Networks Cloud, Associate certification and equip yourself with the foundationaknowledge to excein cloud environments.

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ExamGood JN0-214 Exam Features

JN0-214: Cloud, Associate (JNCIA-Cloud) 

The Cloud track enables you to demonstrate competence with cloud networking architectures such as multiclouds, software-defined networking, SD-WAN, and other cloud technologies. JNCIA-Cloud, the associate-level certification in this track, is designed for networking professionals with introductory-level knowledge of Juniper Networks cloud-based networking architectures, theory, and best practices. The written exam verifies your understanding of cloud-based networking principles and technologies.
This track includes one certification:
JNCIA-Cloud: Cloud, Associate.

Exam Preparation

We recommend the following resources to help you prepare for your exam. However, these resources aren't required, and using them doesn't guarantee you'll pass the exam.
For the JNCIA-Cloud Certification from Juniper Networks, recommended training includes the Juniper Networks Cloud Fundamentals course. Exam resources involve industry/product knowledge and the Juniper TechLibrary. Additional preparation can be found on the Juniper Learning Portal.

Exam Objectives

Here’s a high-leveview of the skillset required to successfully complete the JNCIA-Cloud certification exam.

Exam Details

Exam questions are derived from the recommended training and the exam resources listed above. Pass/faistatus is available immediately after taking the exam. The exam is only provided in English.
The JNCIA-Cloud Certification from Juniper Networks has no prerequisites and the exam code is JN0-214. The exam lasts 90 minutes and consists of 65 multiple-choice questions. It covers software versions Contrai22.4, OpenStack Zed, Kubernetes 1.24, and OpenShift 4.10.

ExamGood JN0-214: Cloud, Associate (JNCIA-Cloud) Exam Questions

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