ServiceNow CIS-Strategic Portfolio Management CIS-SPM

Product Description

Exam Code:CIS-SPM

Exam Name:Certified Implementation Specialist - Strategic Portfolio Management

Q&A:60 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


Prepare for success in the CIS-SPM: Certified Implementation Specialist - Strategic Portfolio Management exam with ExamGood's comprehensive resources. Access expertly crafted exam questions and study materials designed to elevate your preparation.

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ExamGood CIS-SPM Exam Features
The CIS-Strategic Portfolio Management certification is earned by successfully completing an online or onsite proctored exam. Passing this certification assures employees and peers that you possess the skills and knowledge to implement and configure components of Strategic Portfolio Management applications including Demand, Project and Resource. The CIS-Strategic Portfolio Management certification is designed for ServiceNow System Administrators, implementers, users, and consultants who need to understand what is Strategic Portfolio Management (SPM), key processes and how does it function within the ServiceNow Platform.

How achievable is the CIS-SPM? 

The CIS-SPM certification covers a broad range of topics related to IT asset management, including licensing, compliance, procurement, and software inventory management. While it does require some understanding of technical aspects, the emphasis is more on the practical application of IT asset management principles using the ServiceNow platform.
The certification exam assesses both theoretical knowledge and practical proficiency.

Who is strategic portfolio management aimed at?

Although SPM has the capacity to impact every role within an organization, responsibility for strategic portfolio management falls primarily to the senior management team. Appropriately applied, SMP helps managers better align their strategy and operations efforts.

What are the benefits of strategic portfolio management?

Strategic portfolio management differs from traditional program and project management solutions, in that it is not primarily focused on how the projects, programs, products or initiatives themselves are managed. Instead, the main concern within strategic portfolio management is aligning business strategy with work. This enables decision-makers to plan, deliver, and track value across different methodologies and structures. In other words, it’s designed to ensure that the right activities are being completed to further business goals to align the organization.

Four key features of ExamGood CIS-SPM certification preparation

Instant Download Upon Successful Purchase: Access your study materials immediately after a successful purchase, eliminating any unnecessary waiting time.
PDF and Software Versions Available: Choose between PDF and software versions based on your preferences. PDFs are ready for direct printing, and the software version is compatible with any operating system, offering flexibility without usage restrictions.
Free One-Year Updates, Extendable to Two Years: Enjoy one year of complimentary updates to keep your study materials current. Extend this service to two years for an additional $10, ensuring your preparation aligns with the latest content of Certified Implementation Specialist - Strategic Portfolio Management.
Immediate Refund in Case of Exam Failure: ExamGood prioritizes customer satisfaction. In the event of exam failure, submit your results, and you are eligible for an immediate refund, showcasing ExamGood's confidence in the quality of their materials and commitment to customer success.
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