Associate Reactive Developer

OutSystems Reactive Web Developer Associate Reactive Developer

Product Description

Exam Code:Associate Reactive Developer

Exam Name:Associate Reactive Developer (OutSystems 11)Exam

Q&A:262 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


ExamGood offers comprehensive study materials for the Associate Reactive Developer (OutSystems 11) Exam. Start your journey to OutSystems certification with confidence and the best materials available.

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ExamGood Associate-Reactive-Developer Exam Features
Associate Reactive Developer (OutSystems 11)
The Associate Reactive Developer exam focuses on the fundamentals of OutSystems reactive web and mobile application development. Targeted for developers who are new to OutSystems and develop simple reactive web and mobile applications. This is one of the first steps to kickstart your OutSystems journey as a certified developer.

Exam Overview

This document provides information about a multiple-choice exam, including the format (multiple choice), the number of questions (50), the passing score (70% or 35 out of 50), and the exam duration (2 hours if needed).
The exam focuses on practical knowledge and scenarios that validate your knowledge and professional experience. Each question has only one correct answer and incorrect answers do not affect your final score.

Exam Topics

The Associate Reactive Developer Exam covers the fundamentals of OutSystems reactive application development, including data modeling, UI development, logic, screen lifecycle, and modular architecture. The exam topics and their respective weights are provided in a table.


To prepare for the Associate Reactive Web Developer exam, attend the Reactive Developer Boot Camp or take the online guided path. Additionally, study the topics listed in the online resources section.
Online resources: Review the online resources for Reactive Development, including courses on Becoming a Web Developer, and documentation for additional information on using data, designing UI, implementing application logic, and logic.

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