
Adobe Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559

Product Description

Exam Code:AD0-E559

Exam Name:Adobe Marketo Engage Business Practitioner Expert

Q&A:50 Q&As

Updated: 05-18-2024


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ExamGood AD0-E559 Exam Features
Business Practitioner Expert certification | Adobe Experience Cloud
Exam AD0-E559
Learn how to become a certified Adobe Business Practitioner Expert.

Minimum experience

To become a Business Practitioner Expert in Adobe Experience Cloud, you should have around 18 months of experience with Marketo features and capabilities, as well as experience in building, launching, and analyzing campaigns, working with email behavior and technologies, and familiarity with tools and technologies such as Adobe Marketo Engage, Excel, APIs, CRM, social media platforms, Microsoft Office, and basic HTML.
Your certification is valid for two years from when you pass. We recommend taking the newer version when possible, because it covers newer product capabilities.
Intended audience:
The Business Practitioner Expert certification from Adobe Experience Cloud is relevant for various roles such as marketing operations, digital marketing, campaign management, Marketo Engage consulting, marketing automation, demand generation, email marketing, revenue and growth operations, martech architecture, integrated campaign management, and business system analysis.
Exam details:
The Adobe Experience Cloud Business Practitioner Expert certification requires 1-3 years of experience, has a passing score of 32/50, takes 110 minutes, and is available in English and Japanese. It can be taken online or in a test center and costs $225 globally or $150 in India. The exam ID is AD0-E559.
Exam objectives and scope
Section 1: Administration and Maintenance (12%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers various topics such as mapping processes, identifying asset history, recognizing user and role differences, using workspace and partitions, identifying CRM platforms with Marketo synchronization, and locating information references.
Section 2: Marketing Activities/Campaign Management (46%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers topics such as Smart Campaigns, problem-solving, program and channel relationships, Webhooks, and A/B testing strategies.
Section 3: Lead Management (12%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers key decision points in defining the lifecycle model, best practices for lead scoring, implementing interesting moments, interpreting lead activity logs, and identifying creation sources in given scenarios.
Section 4: Data Management (10%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers setting up a data management program, analyzing data quality, understanding Marketo's data retention policy, and summarizing how segmentation works.
Section 5: Reporting (4%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud involves being able to set up a program for optimal reporting based on campaign outcomes and assigning the appropriate acquisition program based on a given scenario.
Section 6: Best Practices (16%)
The Business Practitioner Expert certification for Adobe Experience Cloud covers lead scoring, folder structure and naming conventions, A/B testing best practices, and quality checks for Marketo programs and emails.

Benefits of ExamGood Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 Exam Questions

Preparing for a certification exam can be a challenging task for anyone, and finding the right resources to help you prepare can be even more difficult. However, ExamGood's Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 Exam Questions have proven to be an exceptional resource for many individuals. Here are four reasons why:
Instant Download: One of the biggest advantages of using ExamGood's Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 Exam Questions is that they are available for instant download. This means that you can begin your exam preparation immediately, without the need to wait for any materials to arrive in the mail. This feature is particularly beneficial if you have a tight schedule and need to start studying as quickly as possible.
Both PDF + Software Download: ExamGood offers two download options for their Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 Exam Questions: PDF and software. This means that you can select the format that suits you best. If you prefer to study using a physical document, the PDF option is perfect for you. If you prefer to study using a computer, the software download option is ideal.
One Year Free Update: Another significant advantage of using ExamGood's Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 Exam Questions is that they come with a one-year free update. If there are any changes to the exam content during this period, you will be notified and given updated materials. This is particularly crucial if you take the exam a few months after purchasing ExamGood's materials.
Payment Refund If Failed: Lastly, ExamGood offers a payment refund if you fail the Adobe Marketo Engage AD0-E559 certification exam. This is a testament to the quality of their materials and their confidence in their ability to assist you in passing the exam. This guarantee will provide you with peace of mind and boost your confidence in your purchase.
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